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Archive for the tag “flash mob”

IM2 – Get your flash mob on.

But maybe don’t wear them. Because thats a lot of people. Unless thats what you’re into. Then go ahead.


I rather like this form of a flash mob. Aside from being filmed quite nicely it gives us a scope of the area and the audience. It is also very subtle, and I really quite like this aspect. I find that most flash mobs that are music based (which is a lot) are held in areas like shopping centres or fields and the music just starts. Its very sudden, and whilst that has a surprise and shock appeal, to me this is more pleasant, and builds gradually, gathering momentum.

It also uses diversion, which is an aspect that I really like. The conductor directs attention to certain areas in which band members suddenly appear and begin playing. During that time, another section of the band quietly sets up and starts playing, immediately drawing attention to themselves at that point. I would really like to use this element of diversion, but it depends on what sort of event our group plans.

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